简称 | 描述 |
HS | HS是国际商品统一分类和编码制度(Harmonized System)的缩写。HS Code 为税则号,又称海关编码,全球各国前6位海关编码基本相同。HS 也是我司环商国际集团有限公司(HS International Group Ltd.)的缩写 |
ImpExp | ImpExp 是进出口英文名称(Import Export)的缩写。ImpExp.com 是进出口数据网英文网站域名和网址 |
JKCK | JKCK是进出口中文拼音(Jin Kou Chu Kou)的缩写。JKCK.com是进出口数据网中文网站域名和网址 |
CD | 海关数据(Customs Data)的缩写。海关数据又称海关进出口数据,含进出口企业名称和海关编码,一般按海关编码或企业名称查询。海关数据分海关进口数据和海关出口数据。 |
CCD | CCD 为中国海关数据(China Customs Data)的缩写。中国海关数据又称中国海关进出口数据,含中国进出口企业名称和海关编码,按8位海关编码查询 |
BD | 提单数据(Bills Data)的缩写。提单数据又称提单进出口数据,或进出口提单数据。提单数据含收货人(进口商)和发货人(出口商),一般按产品名称关键词或企业名称查询。提单数据分为提单进口数据和提单出口数据。 |
USBID | USBID为美国提单进口数据(US Bills Import Data)的缩写 |
USBED | USBED为美国提单出口数据(US Bills Export Data)的缩写 |
SD | SD为统计数据(Statistics Data)的缩写。进出口数据网的统计数据指进出口统计数据,按前6位海关编码查询,一般无企业名称。统计数据包括进口统计数据和出口统计数据 |
CSD | CSD 为中国进出口统计数据(China Statistics Data)的缩写 |
TF | TF为贸易流向数据(Trade Flow)的缩写,又称进出口贸易流向数据,是一种按国别分类统计的进出口数据,一般按前6位海关编码查询 |
EI | 进出口企业名录(Exporters & Importers)的缩写 |
TD | 总数据(Total Data)的缩写。进出口数据网的总数据指进出口总数据,包括进出口月度总数据和进出口年度总数据 |
Incoterm | International Commercial Term,国际商业条款 |
CIF | CIF is a trade term (Incoterm) meaning Cost,Insurance and Freight.成本加保险费加运费。按此术语成交,货价的构成因素中包括从装运港至约定目的地港的通常运费和约定的保险费,卖方要为买方办理货运保险,支付保险费,按一般国际贸易惯例,卖方投保的保险金额应按CIF价加成10%。如买卖双方未约定具体险别,则卖方只需取得最低限底的保险险别,如买方要求加保战争保险,在保险费由买方负担的前提下,卖方应予加保,卖方投保时,如能办到,必须以合同货币投保。 |
FOB | FOB is a trade term (Incoterm) meaning Free on Bord,船上交货,是国际贸易中常用的贸易术语之一。按离岸价进行的交易,买方负责派船接运货物,卖方应在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内将货物装上买方指定的船只,并及时通知买方。货物在装运港被装上指定船时,风险即由卖方转移至买方。 |
CIP | CIP is a trade term (Incoterm) meaning Carriage Insurance Paid To. Title and risk pass to buyer when delivered to carrier by seller who pays transportation and insurance cost to destination. Used for any mode of transportation.This term is similar to Carriage Paid To but the seller has to arrange and pay for the insurance against the risk or loss or damage of the goods during the shipment. |
CFR | CFR is a trade term (Incoterm) meaning Cost and Freight.In this term the exporter bears the cost of carriage or transport to the selected destination port, in this term the risk transferable to the buyers at the port of shipment. |
EXW | Ex Works. Title and risk pass to buyer including payment of all transportation and insurance cost from the seller's door. Used for any mode of transportation. |
FCA | Free Carrier named point.Title and risk pass to buyer including transportation and insurance cost when the seller delivers goods cleared for export to the carrier. Seller is obligated to load the goods on the Buyer's collecting vehicle; it is the Buyer's obligation to receive the Seller's arriving vehicle unloaded. |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship.Title and risk pass to buyer including payment of all transportation and insurance cost once delivered alongside ship by the seller. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation. The export clearance obligation rests with the seller. |
CPT | Carriage Paid To. Title, risk and insurance cost pass to buyer when delivered to carrier by seller who pays transportation cost to destination. Used for any mode of transportation. This term uses land transport by rail, road and inland waterways. The seller and exporter are responsible for the carriage of goods to the nominated destination and have to pay freight up the first carrier. |
DAF | Delivered At Frontier. Title, risk and responsibility for import clearance pass to buyer when delivered to named border point by seller. Used for any mode of transportation. This term is used when the goods are to be carried by rail or road. |
DES | Delivered Ex-Ship.Title, risk, responsibility for vessel discharge and import clearance pass to buyer when seller delivers goods on board the ship to destination port. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation. |
DEQ | Delivered Ex-Quay. Title and risk pass to buyer when delivered on board the ship at the destination point by the seller who delivers goods on dock at destination point cleared for import. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation. |
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid. Seller fulfills his obligation when goods have been made available at the named place in the country of importation. |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid. Title and risk pass to buyer when seller delivers goods to the named destination point cleared for import. Used for any mode of transportation. |